It appears to me that the trend in the world is getting crazier. Wars, violence, dishonesty, selfishness, falsehoods in media, fake reality TV shows—the list goes on. Seems like the average level of righteousness in the world is going down. Everyone is trying to outrun one another and I wonder if it is going to stop anytime soon.
Despite the craziness that is happening, something has reduced. The silly movements of feminism and meninism has mellow down. Meninism, or the movement of men who defend their rights, was trending in the year 2017. This was contrasted with feminism, which was trending in the year 2012. Both movements have been fighting for equal rights; however, it is clear that one of them is far more prevalent than the other.
What is rising now, is basically the pandemic. And people are beginning to realise when there are common goals, all these stupid movements become less important. For example, the rise of inclusive hiring has led to more people with disabilities being employed in companies. These are real meaningful things rather than complaining the world is not fair.
At least the shift in mentality made a little improvement to the society mind. I do not have much to say now, but my plan for this blog is to bring only carefully thought news and non-bias news.